Launch of the Institute of non-violence in Australia coincides with the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
El-Telegraph Arabic Newspaper, Wednesday 25 November 2020 – Issue No. 7367, Melbourne.
Translation of Article by Institute of non-violence.
Launch of the Institute of non-violence in Australia coincides with the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
According to an Australian report, 1 in 3 women faces physical or sexual violence at some stage of her life committed by her partner or husband.
In response, the Institute of non-violence has been established in Australia, with the launch of the website coinciding with the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, on Wednesday 25 November.
Social activist: ‘despite mass campaigns to raise awareness about violence against women, it is still widespread in Australia’.
The UN dedicated the 25th of November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women to raise awareness about the extent of the problems caused by violence against women and other numerous forms of violence.
According to Australian statistics, 1 in 3 women faces physical or sexual violence at some stage of her life committed by her partner or husband. Family and domestic violence can affect anyone; however, immigrant women can face extra barriers to receiving services.
Family violence incidents have also increased amongst the Arabic community during the COVID19 pandemic. CEO and founder of the Institute of non-violence, Hala Abdelnour, said: “We work with various organisations across all Australian States. I have worked directly in family violence programs for at least 6 years. This is where the idea of establishing the Institute of non-violence came about.
Ms Abdelnour further commented on SBS Arabic 24’s Australia Today program, stating: “My work has mostly focused on men who use violence against their families and I found that services for newly arrived migrants were limited, which I have factored into the establishment of the Institute.”
For more information, you can listen to the audio interview with the CEO and founder of the Institute of non-violence Hala Abdelnour, via SBS Arabic 24 online.